What's New?

Here's the place where you'll find the latest happenings here at Sandysays.  News of site updates, new designs, projects, contests, an occasional sample, and who knows what else.

May 27, 2005

All designs for sale pages have been updated today to include our cds.  Price information will go up on all the Noah pages as soon as BMT Micro completes the buy pages for instant downloading.  Please bear with us momentarily while that gets done as there's a lot of variables involved in these sets to make sure that everything works as it should so that as always, the more one chooses to buy, the more one saves.  If you're anxious, you're welcome to contact us and we'd be happy to give you prices and tell you how to order through pay pal in the meantime.

Please feel free to contact us through any of our email links on the site to purchase any single on the site of your choice.  

Look for a "Singles only" page also this evening.

There will also be a separate cd and wholesale information page going up yet this evening as well.

You'll find a couple of sample designs somewhere among the designs for sale pages that have been uploaded today.  Please feel free to stitch those out to sample our digitizing skills.

Y'all have a safe and happy holiday weekend!  


May 9, 2005, Now available:  Reprints from Sue's Fine Art 

Coming soon (VERY soon):  The balance of the Noah's critters and the Noah's ABCs are now complete.  Look for them to be uploaded just as soon as BMT Micro gets the links and downloads ready.

Also we're pleased to announce that ALL of our designs are now available on multiformat cds.   They are now available at wholesale pricing for shops around the country and will be available in several any time now.  Retail shops (Storefront businesses only please) are welcome to contact us regarding wholesale pricing and promotional materials.  We are not producing these ourselves, but have contracted them out for production and we hope you'll be as pleased with the high quality of the end result as we are.

We'd also like to take this time to announce that while we've always made arrangements with any customer that wished to purchase singles to provide those, we're going to officially announce at this time that we will also have an assortment of singles only available in the very near future.  We will also be adding ordering information to all the pages regarding purchase of any design on the site as singles as well.   Rather than periodic "sale pricing" on our designs, we will continue our practice of "volume discounting" so that the more one purchases, the more one saves.

If you'd like to evaluate the quality of our work prior to purchasing, please feel free to contact us with the set(s) you're interested in along with the format you need and we'll be happy to email you an appropriate sample to test.  Please put "Sample Request" in the subject line so that it gets flagged for our immediate attention!

April 27, 2005

Another "Exclusive" set added to Sue's art pages:

Sunbonnet Susie and Friends

Non exclusive mini set:

Prom Night

April 16, 2005

Just added to Sue's pages tonight:

  Cheer-Leaders In Training

exclusive to ONE buyer only

April 4, 2005

We're so pleased to announce that you'll now be able to purchase art for digitizing right here at Sandysays.  We're extremely excited to be able to announce that we're partnering with Sue Williams to be able give her artwork a home on the web.  Please watch for that to start going up as quickly as we can get it up.  Be sure to visit her pages and drop her a line and tell her "HI!" and let her know if there's anything in particular you'ld like to see her add to her pages.

 We also have more new designs to upload for your consideration.  Look for those to go up on site about mid month when we get back from the CEC conference in Las Vegas.  

We're also pleased to announce that all of our designs will now be available on cds as well as here on the web.  Shops are welcome to contact us in regards to wholesale pricing.  Look for those to be available upon our return from the conference.

We've had a new logo designed for us and will be updating the site shortly to reflect the change.  Hope you enjoy the new look as much as we do!

December 14, 2004

Busy morning here sending files like crazy to BMT so they can get the ordering pages completed.  Meanwhile, we're reactivating the announcement group that's been in place for some time and woefully neglected lately.

Click here to join sandysays
Click to join sandysays

You're invited to join our update list to be among the first to know when the site is updated.  While there may occasionally be an additional "sample" design for the members, membership to our announcement only group isn't necessary for one to receive samples to see for yourself how our designs stitch out.

We're also pleased to announce that now you can order multiple sets of coordinating designs and recieve discount pricing as well as with multiple sizes of the same set.  See individual pages for details.

December 13, 2004

First and formost, we'd like to take a moment and wish all of our visitors the happiest of holiday seasons!  No matter how and when you celebrate the season, we wish you all the joy and happiness that it may bring!

We're pleased to announce that we've just teamed up with the folks at BMT Micro for secure ordering and instant downloading of design purchases.  Ordering now includes a secure shopping cart for your convenience as well as automated discount pricing and a variety of payment methods sure to fit everyone's preferences, including most major credit cards, paypal, phone, fax or postal mail.  Our links on the design pages will take you to our order pages on their site and for all other orders:

For order info

# E-mail: mailto:orders@bmtmicro.com
# Tel: 910-792-9100
# Fax: 910-792-1889
# Mail: BMT Micro
PO Box 15016
Wilmington, NC 28408

Thus far, both sets of teapots are up and ready and all the rest of our sets will follow over the next few days.

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