Noah's ABC's

the Sequel

Available in 4x4 size only

Our thanks once again to Jodie Dunne at

JD's Clipart

for the artwork for this whimsical version of Noah's passengers in alphabet form.

This companion set to Noah and the passengers aboard the ark is finally complete.   As with the first batch of letters, it comes with the uppercase letters, the matching lowercase, and the bonus "is for _______" files

Set 2A

(click on any picture to view a larger picture of the actual sewouts)

EalphaUC.jpg (51333 bytes)

OalphaUC.jpg (41158 bytes)

RalphaUC.jpg (43306 bytes)

SalphaUC.jpg (42821 bytes)

WalphaUC.jpg (40379 bytes)

Set 2B

(click on any picture to view a larger picture of the actual sewouts)

BalphaUC.jpg (48584 bytes)

CalphaUC.jpg (59015 bytes)

DalphaUC.jpg (45967 bytes)

FalphaUC.jpg (40187 bytes)

KalphaUC.jpg (46588 bytes)

Set 3A

(click on any picture to view a larger picture of the actual sewouts)

ssh4horse.jpg (44717 bytes)

ssi4iguana.jpg (44490 bytes)

ssj4jaguars.jpg (34052 bytes)

AlphaUC+-V+(HUS).jpg (21980 bytes)

AlphaUC+Y.jpg (21792 bytes)

Set 3B

(click on any picture to view a larger picture of the actual sewouts)

AlphaUC+N.jpg (14066 bytes)

AlphaUC+Q.jpg (27507 bytes)

AlphaUC+T.jpg (25761 bytes)

AlphaUC+U.jpg (21913 bytes)

AlphaUC+X.jpg (21051 bytes)

You'll receive the corresponding lower case letters below with your purchase, as well as the separate bonus set of coordinating "is for ______" designs emailed separately upon notice of your order.

Lower case letters will be available separately soon.

Lower Case Set 2A

ealphalc.jpg (11425 bytes)

oalphalc.jpg (10549 bytes)

ralphalc.jpg (9479 bytes)

salphalc.jpg (10518 bytes)

walphalc.jpg (16245 bytes)

Lower Case Set 2B

balphalc.jpg (24305 bytes)

calphalc.jpg (11149 bytes)

dalphalc.jpg (21940 bytes)

falphalc.jpg (20151 bytes)

kalphalc.jpg (25284 bytes)

Lower Case Set 3A

lch.jpg (27105 bytes)

lci.jpg (10514 bytes)

lcj.jpg (17362 bytes)

lcv.jpg (11825 bytes)

lcy.jpg (31427 bytes)

Lower Case Set 3B

lcn.jpg (13820 bytes)

lcq.jpg (24768 bytes)

lct.jpg (22153 bytes)

lcu.jpg (12955 bytes)

lcx.jpg (11466 bytes)

Lower case letters are sized appropriately to the Noah Alphabet.

complete lowercase alpha MEDsize.jpg (69195 bytes)complete number set.jpg (56029 bytes)ssis4vulture.jpg (13492 bytes)

Soon to be available through BMT Micro

Also available in it's entirety on multiformat cds which include the entire uppercase alphabet, the lower case complete with numbers and the complete bonus "is for" set.  ADDITIONAL bonus with the purchase of the cd will include 5 PERSONALIZED "is for text files"  of your choice of names.

noahabcoutside.JPG (54139 bytes)

noahabcinside.JPG (56783 bytes)

Click either image for a larger view

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